
TecDoc Data Supplier

Rameder is the data supplier for the parts catalogue of TecDoc since 2004. Right from the beginning itself we operate as "TecDoc Certified Data Supplier". This designation characterises the data suppliers, who fulfil the corresponding requirements at an especially high level.

The TecDoc programme is an information system with extensive data collection of car parts manufacturers and distributors of the automotive industry. It summarises the different product ranges of these manufacturers and is thus an electronic catalogue of automobile parts. The task of TecDoc is to prepare the product information of the parts manufacturers and to make it available to the market. 1065 data suppliers guarantee a broad range of current and latest product descriptions and information.

Here some core statements about TecDoc
  • TecDoc has unfiltered information about products of the free automobile industry and the free parts trade
  • All data are updated quarterly
  • Unique identification of the vehicle by entering the code numbers
  • Allocation of all car parts that match the respective vehicle type
  • Specification of recommended selling prices
  • Detailed product description with images
  • Uniform product names for products similar in technical aspects